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Privacy terms and conditions: The required data are necessary to manage your request for information and maintain contact with you. If you do not provide the required data we will not be able to attend and manage your request. The data provided will be processed and may be incorporated into a file whose ownership and responsibility for its treatment is held by OverclockersGO, in order to maintain contact and provide you with information, based on your own request and consent. The data will be treated during the legally established periods and will be kept as long as you maintain your relationship with us, being deleted once it is over, except for those that legally or contractually it is necessary to keep. The completion, acceptance and sending of the form confirms your consent and authorization for the registration and processing of your data, its inclusion in the aforementioned file and the sending/receiving of electronic or postal communications by OverclockersGO with the requested information. At any time you may revoke your consent to do so without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent prior to its withdrawal, as well as exercise the legally recognized rights over your personal data, among others, the rights of access, rectification, deletion and, where appropriate, limitation of processing, portability or opposition, in the manner and form set out in the Privacy Policy contained in this website. All this without prejudice to your rights to make any claim in defense of your rights and interests before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.